English Mindfulness training
Do you experience too much (work)stress? burnout complaints? Or do you want to invest in yourself by boosting your resilience, learn mindfulness and meditation? This English spoken, 8-weeks mindfulnesstraining in Groningen might be just what you are looking for.
Date and time
Currently, there is no English mindfulness course. Check our agenda or stay up to date with our newsletters. Please feel free to contact us anytime to ask about new dates for this course. Or you can , however do individual mindfulness training.
Private: € 575,- / € 690,- group training (price is depending on the net-income)
Business: € 995,- (price free of VAT)
All prices include training material, thee, coffee and a lunch at the silence-day. It is possible to pay in installments. Please see below the register form to apply for this training. Notice: some organizations or health insurances can reimburse the costs of the mindfulness training for you.
In this mindfulnesstraining we start from the very beginning: what is mindfulness? Being mindful means being aware of and controlling your experience. You are in the moment acting, not reacting, to life. This mindfulnesstraining will teach you how to boost your concentration, resilience, joy, and calm in your life. It gives insights and solutions of how to cope with (work)stress, anxiety, fear, and depression.
We will teach you the foundational skills of the mindfulness practice with compassion, meditation and some simple yoga exercises integrated, and how to apply them in your life. Participating in this training is taking a challenge in enriching yourself.
What are the benefits of mindfulness? If you are mindful, you can:
➢ Better clear your mind
➢ Better deal with difficult situations
➢ Better deal with (work)stress
➢ Better deal with emotions as anger, anxiety, grief, or (chronic) pain
➢ Increase your concentration and focus
➢ Increase your ability to relax
➢ Increase your ability to enjoy life!
This basic mindfulness training consists out of 8 sessions of 2,5 hour. During this training you need to practice 30 minutes a day at home with a CD and a textbook which you will get at the first training. After the sixth training, we have 1 full-day training during a silence-day.
The mindfulness training exists out of:
➢ Awareness and concentration meditation
➢ Simple yoga exercises which need to be performed with attention and focus for the body movements
➢ Daily-life awareness exercises
➢ Background information about stress, awareness, meditation and communication
In this mindfulnesstraining we have a lot of respect and attention for your personal level of the mindfulness practicing. During the training, we will be sharing our experiences with each other, to help and inspire. However, this mindfulness training is no therapy or a replacement for psychological treatments, but it is an addition to such.
Some direct reasons to start joining the mindfulnesstraining might be: stress, sleep problems, headache, pain, chronic fatigue, feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and panic attacks, chronic diseases and/or the feeling of losing control of life.
More people with high work-pressure start joining our trainings, or individual coaching, like for example medical specialists, professors and entrepreneurs. We also offer individual coaching in English. Please contact us for more information.
Questions and advice
When in doubt for taking this training, please feel free to call or e-mail us for more information. You can contact us here.